Saturday, October 10, 2015

Submission is an "icky" word.

"I will never be a submissive pushover. If my husband thinks that I'm going to bow down, and "respect" all the foolish decisions he'll make, he's got another thing coming. It's not in my personality. AT. ALL."

I drove to a coffee shop today. My beautiful Mom took all 4 of our blessings, so that I could have a Baby Moon with my Handsome Man, this weekend. We're about 5 weeks away from the arrival of our 5th child, and my house needed some organizational TLC. So, the kiddos went to Nanny and Grandpapa's, Mark is at work until this evening, and I'm by myself in our new house. It's quite exciting to have some alone time, even though I'm an extreme extrovert. So I woke up, kissed Mark goodbye, and drove down to the local coffee shop, ordered a coffee, and coffee cake, and plopped down on the squishiest chair I could find. As soon as I sat down, 2 women at a table 20 feet from me discussed the "icky" word of submission. The quote above was the dialogue I heard. It was in reference to a friend who had become "religious", and started "bowing down to her husband who decided to become a deacon in a church".


This word easily draws 2 very different crowds.

1. The person who likes it.
2. The person who loathes it.

I was easily person #2, for a very long time.

Anyone who knew me in high school, knew me in my first (and only) year of college, knew this about me. Spunk, sass, and southern class. An easy illustration of my everyday happenings for over 3 years. I was out to prove to adults that I could adult (I couldn't.), to guys that I didn't need them, and to prove to myself that a wild heart was safest, because its perpetual motion couldn't be squashed, or broken.

I dated guys, and in a cat-mouse game challenged them to keep up with me. They couldn't, and would often easily bore me. I'd move on. I worked at a video store, when I met Mark. And he completely knocked me off my tracks. I was a freight train, moving at an alarming speed, and he simply threw a stick on the train tracks.

The way he did it?

He simply asked me about my theology. Not even necessarily my religious theology, but my where I stood on life issues. But that wasn't what knocked me off my tracks. That's an easy question to ask someone. He did something so profound, so quiet, so peaceful, so annoying, really.

He listened.

He sat for hours on the floor of that video store, and let me ramble on and on about God, life, hurt, etc. When I'd very pointedly say an opinion on a matter, almost baiting him to debate with me, he simply ask me a thought-provoking question, that caused me to actually think, and not just shoot from the hip.

I've always joked that he's the ice cold water that God used to pour on my firecracker attitude.

Even now, 7 years of marriage, 5 children later, he's still that to me.

But you want to know the difference between the 18 year old, hot-headed, know-it-all, and who I am now?


He's not a challenge I try to break, anymore. I don't have to prove how strong I am, or how wise I am.

He knows I'm strong. And he still loves me. He lets his quiet strength weaken me, in a "Wow my heart is beating really fast, because of how attractive you are right now."

Thanks to my Daddy, and his amazing ability to build ANYTHING, I caught the mechanical bug, and even took a carpentry class in high school. I made it to a district competition for the school, and was the only girl. I loooooooooved it.

Mark, on a regular basis, tells people that I know more about how things operate, than most men.

"You wouldn't know this about her, because most people just think she can be a mom, and make pretty food, but she's incredibly gifted, mechanically."

I spent many nights at the carwash, with Mark, fixing parts, shortening chains, figuring out the inner workings of a water system, etc. AND I LOVED IT. But I loved it not because I was strong enough to do it, but because Mark was secure enough to say "Hey babe, how do you think this works? What should I do to fix it? Could you come up here, and help me figure this out?"

That is like taking a match, striking it, and setting my firecracker attitude on fire. It fills me up, to see a man strong enough to lead an entire family, but humble enough to ask for his wife's tiny hands to change the pin on a chain, in a carwash, because his hands are too big.

See, that's what I've learned about submission.

It's not about suppressing, belittling, destroying, tearing down, or weakening.

It's about tenderly guiding, whatever personality you may be dealing with.

For our marriage, it's the cold water to the firecracker.

In other marriages, the woman is the cool wave that washes over her hot-headed husband. Her driven, unwavering, staunch, hot-headed husband. It's her silent prayers, and her gentle words, that completely derail him. It's the strength of her arms, holding him, letting him know his strength isn't needed at the moment.

That's submission.

I learned very early in my marriage that throwing a tea cup, in anger, at our sink, and screaming at my husband wasn't going to work. You know what he didn't do? He didn't fight back. He didn't take the bait. He didn't yell back.

He stood, calmly, with his back leaned up against the wall, arms folded, one leg propped up against the wall. And he calmly said "I'm sorry you feel that way, but that's not true. I love you, and you know that." And he walked out the door, got in the car, drove for long enough to completely freak me out, convincing myself that he had left me. Then he'd show back up, let me run to his arms, pick me up, take a deep breath in, and whisper "We love each other. This is just an attack." He let me sob like a broken child healing from wounds, he'd let me use his t-shirt sleeve to wipe my tears, he'd rub the small of my back and whisper "It's okay. It's going to be okay, babe."

Even though I'm ashamed of those moments. The moments where I'd throw my rings at him, and say "I'M DONE." It's embarrassing to admit, but it's a beautiful representation of submission. Not me submitting, but rather, his submission to God.

See that's the catalyst that every domineering, overpowering control freak forgets, about submission. If it's a one way street, someone will get run over. If there is only a woman submitting to her husband, it could lead to an unhealthy, abusive relationship.

It's when the man submits to God, that there is balance, and order.

And if a man isn't submitting to God, it's the woman, going to God, crying out to him.

I've had many a moment where I yelled at God in my prayers "THIS ISN'T FAIR.", and He'd simply say:

I know.

I would wait, as if God was my body guard, for Him to strike Mark with a Heavenly bolt of wisdom, and it wouldn't come. "THIS ISN'T FAIR, GOD."

I know.

"Aren't you going to DO something, God?!?"

Aren't you?

"I am! I'm telling you this isn't fair. That I hate this. That I want him to change his mind!"

That's how I feel about my children that are lost.

"But God, can't you focus on me right now?"

Are you focusing on me?

"Well, yes. I mean, no, not really."

"God, would you forgive me of my selfishness? Would you break my pride? I want to respect Mark, but I'm struggling. I want to submit, but it literally makes my heart hurt, at the thought of not saying anything. I don't want to be kind. Can you give me Your strength? Can you show me how to be grace, and mercy?"

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

And so I do.

That's all the strength I can muster.

Then after a brief pause, where Mark and I seek Him, separately, and it usually plays out like this:

"I'm sorry. I was being selfish. Would you please forgive me?"

Tears well up in my eyes, and stream down my cheeks.

"You hurt my feelings."

"I know. Would you for give me?"

"You're forgiven."

"I love you, Sierra."

"I love you more, Mark."

He still scoops me in his lap, takes a deep breath in, and whispers "This is just an attack. I love you.", while rubbing the small of my back.

I still wipe my tears on his shirt sleeve, and whisper "I love you too."

Submission doesn't look like the world makes it out to be. Yes, in rare, unfortunate cases, submission on a one way street leads to a car wreck. A woman or man abused, and left feeling vulnerable, and unloved. That's not submission. That's suppression.

Submission is simply two broken people coming together, and finding wholeness in a God that loves them more than they could even love each other.

I've often told young couples, or singles that the way you find each other, or your future mate, is simply being on your knees at the foot of the Cross. Eyes closed, hands raised towards Heaven,  then when you open your eyes, and look beside you, there he is. A man, on his knees, eyes closed, hands raised towards Heaven. As your eyes lock, he reaches over, intertwines his hand in yours, and you both raise your free hand, eyes closed, and praise your Creator. Together, separately.

A man submitting to God, and the cautions of his wife. A woman submitting to God, and the steps her husband guides his family through.

Sometimes, submission is putting on my battle clothes, and fighting for our marriage, for our children, and for my husband, in his weakness.

Sometimes, submission is watching my husband suit up for battle, and keeping him fed, keeping my words towards heaven, crying out for strength for him.

But every time, it is good. It's not icky. It's hard. But it's worth it.

Just like our submission to Him.

It's good, hard, worth it. 

"I will trust you to guide us. I will trust that you won't lead us astray. I will trust that you know what is best for our family. I will trust you, Mark. I love you."

"I will trust you to guide us. I will trust that you won't lead us astray. I will trust that You know what is best for our family. I will trust You, Lord. I love you."

"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and His is the Savior of the body. Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wife be to their own husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. So husbands out to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself." Ephesians 5: 22-28

If you skipped over that verse, because you've read it a hundred times, read it 101 times.

My favorite part is the end. Talking about the husband presenting his family to Christ, and loving his wife like he loves himself.

Now that is what a true love story looks like.


  1. "Submission is simply two broken people coming together, and finding wholeness in a God that loves them more than they could even love each other." YES!! This post is a beautiful explaination of a terribly misunderstood (and sometimes misused) principle. Beautifully stated, Sierra. Thank you for sharing your heart so openly.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Andrea. God is so good!

  2. This is absolutely beautiful!! I've read so many negative things about submission, usually related to the Duggars (whom I adore, by the way) and I've tried to explain to people that submitting doesn't mean you're allowing yourself up to be raped by your husband whenever he's in the mood. That's what a lot of the Duggar critics believe but that's not what it is. The way you put it in this post is beautiful and I'm so grateful for this post. Thank you, Sierra!! :)

  3. While I somewhat, liked what you said, disagree with you. Marriage is about two adults coming together to make a life together. It's about compromise from both parties, not submission. To have a happy marriage and home it is important that both partners are happy. Just because you are a man doesn't automatically mean you are right. It deciding together what's important for you both.

    1. I actually agree 100% with you. Which is why I said that sometimes my husband has to come to me, and seek forgiveness, and vice versa. To have a happy marriage, and home, both partners can never be totally happy. Sometimes, the greatest happiness and joy comes after a season, or moment of emotional pain. This has played out in Mark and I's marriage more times than not. Our happiness does not hinge upon compromise. It hinges upon our relationship with Christ, and our willingness to forgive one another. Thank you for taking the time to read this, though, and for sharing your heart!

  4. I'm hesitant on this subject. I'm naturally inclined to submission, I understand the bible verse, and I think your post is beautifully written, but what logic is there behind the command that women should submit to their husbands? Assuming, as I think most people do, that men and women are intellectually equal, why should we go along with our husband's decisions without question? I wish I knew more about the theology regarding this issue. Also, why adhere to this verse, but not other verses like

    1 Corinthians 14:34-35 "women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. 35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.…" At least in my church, no one takes that verse literally. Women participate in services and their questions/thoughts in church classes are taken just as validly as men's questions or thoughts,

    or 1 Timothy 2:11-13 "11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.…"Why does it matter that Adam was created first? Also, we allow women to teach all the time. Most teachers are women and most homeschooling teachers are mothers.

    1. Hey! I'm not an expert but I've had some great explanations from my pastor about these types of verses. I too have struggled with these verses myself so I'm hoping I can provide a tiny bit of insight.

      You have to look at 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 in context because the underlying meaning actually refers to a specific situation where women at a church were sort of overtly speaking out/ interrupting the service. Paul tells them to silence their concerns temporarily so that the service can continue. Due to the patriarchal nature of the society at the time, women were meant to ask their concerns to their husbands once they got home from church.

      In terms of 1 Timothy 2:11-13: Again, this more had to do with the society at the time. In this day and age, it is not uncommon for women to be in leadership in the church or otherwise. I think this passage is specifically referring to church leadership at the time. My personal belief on this is that there is nothing wrong with women in ministry. I am a worship leader at my church and I'm in school to be a teacher. I believe that God has called me to both areas. You have to take into consideration the time at which these scriptures were written and use them as a way of seeing how churches were governed during the end of the apostolic era.

      Anyways, I hope that sort of helps! :)

    2. Dearest Anonymous,

      I cannot express the "why" it's important to submit. I can only go by the path that I'm already walking. Every example of my butting heads with my husband, ended in strife. Every example of me being patient, and going to God for my husband, ended in revelation. It's just what I've found works for our home. It's a much more peaceful home. Praying this helps.


      Thank you for the biblical insight. Always refreshing to see another woman struggling with this, and seeking answers on the matter! Praying God blesses you!

  5. Wow. I needed this more than you know. Thank you

    1. Praise God. He is always faithful to give us just what we need!

  6. I am so blessed to be married to a man who I can trust to make the best decisions for my family (even if I don't necessarily agree with the decision).
    I have always thought: if a woman cannot trust a man to make those decisions then she shouldn't be marrying that man.
    I can definitely relate to being a firecracker but my husband has given me so much wisdom is being calm and letting things go.
    I praise the Lord for blessing me with a man after His own heart.

    1. Praise God, indeed! Praying for you, and your marriage!

  7. Wow, this is a beautiful post! Love that you included real life, practical examples. We need to see more of that, since there is so much confusion about the Bible's message on submission.

    1. Amen! This is just an area where I've failed over and over, and when I decided to finally start submitting to God, things beautifully fell into place!

  8. I just stumbled across this blog today :) as a newly married (1 year) bride, this is something I have seen already. The importance of calming my own firecracker tendancies, so that my husband can gently yet strongly lead!! His line of work requires him to often be away unexpectedly, and I have overheard him tell someone that he never worries about leaving because I can handle the house and all the essentials of life by myself. That alone encouraged my heart so much to step up more and help him, by letting him lead.. His humility and honesty astound me sometimes, and teach me so much. Thank you for writing this, and encouraging my heart today!!!

    1. It truly is amazing to watch a gentle man lead a strong woman. It is so different, and so beautiful, all at the same time! Praying for your future years of marriage! Our first was the hardest, but we learned SO MUCH for the foundation we wanted to lay for ourselves, and our children, in that first year!

  9. Such a nice honest read. I feel as if I wrote this while reading it.

  10. Such a nice honest read. I feel as if I wrote this while reading it.

  11. Love this so much. This is what I say to my husband a lot "it's just an attack of spiritual warfare." yes absolutely agree.

  12. My husband and I calm each other down. But I do submit to him because thats what the Bible says. Thats not saying I bow down if I have an opinion I speak it but I do cook, clean, and take care of our son. And I do obey my husband because he never puts more on me than I can bare and he always has my safety in mind. So needless to say I love this.

    1. Beautiful Katy! I totally agree. My hubby and I have been married for 17 years. We have 5 children and a 6th baby on the way. We've learned a lot about each other and from our Lord through the years. Praise God:)

    2. Katy, I pray strength over your marriage! Good for you for having an open heart to your husband's leading!

  13. This is beautiful! One of the best posts on submission I've ever read. You are a talented writer!

    1. God is a talented author. I just as for His words, and direction! I'm so grateful you enjoyed it!

  14. Thank you Sierra! I <3 this. So true and sometimes marriage is hard work, but so worth it. The Lord humbles me so often and my hubby:)

  15. Holy tears rolling down my face!!!. What a sweet reminder of this this amazing love that i share with my husband thru the story of someone else. Thank you for being so open. I too, have had some pretty shameful moments in my marriage but im ever greatful for my forgiving husband who loves me and our family enough to forgive me. You're such a beautiful couple and family. May the Lord keep your marriage till the end of time.

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words! Praying God's blessings over you, and yours!

  16. That was a fantastic post! It really blessed me, I had to share it! I was similar to the women you overheard. But isn't it amazing how God changes our hearts! Marriage itself had taught me so much.

  17. That was a fantastic post! It really blessed me, I had to share it! I was similar to the women you overheard. But isn't it amazing how God changes our hearts! Marriage itself had taught me so much.

  18. Wow! Love this perspective you gave! :) Thanks for sharing, God Bless you.

  19. Hi! Absolutely loved your blog and really agreed with what you said! I actually feel a little lame leaving this comment, but I found this font color on the background so incredibly hard to read, I actually had to highlight the text as I read so I could really see it. Maybe I'm the only one with this issue as no one else has commented anything, but a darker font color would really help! :) (seeing as I really DO want to read what you're writing hahaha!)

    1. Actually, WOW. Please ignore this. The second I posted this comment, the page reloaded with a white background anddddddddddd I could see everything clear as day. Before it was just the wood background. ANYWAY, please keep writing great blogs!

    2. Haha! Thank you so much for the encouragement!!!

  20. LOVE this! I have tried so many times to explain submission and have failed to find the perfect words, reading this was like reading my own heart! I am sharing this with EVERYONE! Thanks so much for your strength to post on such a taboo topic in our every changing world/culture!
    The way you allow God to navigate your life is inspiring!

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. I just found your blog and love it. So many inspiring and encouraging posts. I was far from the Lord and rebellious and didn't marry a godly man. Our marriage is a struggle and submission is hard. But I'm doing my best with the Lord's help. It hurts to see godly marriages like yours knowing how I messed up and have to live with it the rest of my life but I'm trusting the Lord to use this for good. Thank you for writing with such honesty.

    1. God can still get the glory, even in wrong responses. Remember to rely on His strength, and not your own! I'm praying for you, and yours! God bless you!

  23. My life nearly mimicks yours! Though we are going on our 28th year of marriage and have been blessed with 11 children! I'm sorry to say it took me many more years than you to figure out the whole submission thing. You have relayed it perfectly in your story and you have inspired me today! Inspiration is sometimes hard to come by for a stay at home mother/ housewife. But I know everyday is a gift for us to do better, love more, be more patient, and learn more to help us serve God and be counted worthy of that crown of everlasting life! Thank you and God Bless!

    1. Valarie, thank you for your kind words...

      God sees your work, and delights in it! Praise Him for the blessings He's given you! Congratulations on your 28 years of marriage!!! What an incredible gift!

  24. Thank you so much for writing this, it really helped to open my eyes. My husband and I have had some difficult times and it is nice to see that others have made it through to a more peaceful marriage. I pray that I am able to grow and change myself for a better future. I look forward to what you write in the future!

    1. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Praying blessings over you and your husband!!

  25. YEs Yes Yes submission is not always a bad thing. I have a VERY strong personality and people always assume I run the show at home hahahah.... NOPE!It's about balance in a relationship balance and trust. I trust my spouse to put me first, and he does. He has the final word on most thing but that doesn't mean I don't have a say or that he controls me he doesn't I have put my trust in him to do what is in the best interest of our family. We talk about EVERYTHING he knows my values and opinions and what is important to me. that what I picked him. That's why I trust him, that's why I value him. He does the same to me! It's balance it's how it works best in our home. we can't all be the leader so pick one that you love to follow and we did. great blog!!!
