Friday, October 23, 2015

How Far Will You Go?

FaceTune. Pixtr. Perfect365. Photo Makeover. ModiFace Photo Editor. Beauty Booth Pro. Visage Lab. Beauty Camera. PicBeauty. Pimple Remover Photo ReTouch.

These are the top 10 apps for photo correcting that are being used these days. Some of their descriptions:

"does all the hard work for you by automatically detecting what needs to be corrected in your picture. It will eliminate skin blemishes and red eye to ensure a flawless, natural look, and it works even in group photos."

"The face detection feature of this phone makes it easy for you to remove dark circles under your eyes, remove unsightly blemishes from your skin, and even customize your face (think higher cheekbones, higher nose, firmer faces)."

"Make your ugly profile picture perfect."

"Turns ugly people, beautiful, in a matter of minutes!"

If your automatic response to the list above was "Oh wow! I didn't know about that one! I'm going to go download it!", we have a problem.

Are you one of the 4 million users? Have you paid the $3.99 to have "a magical, perfect touch" at the tip of your fingers?

Let me be real with you. 

I just sat here, 2 minutes ago, crying. Literal, actual tears. I saw an ad for FaceTune where they took a newborn baby with normal baby acne, and made it perfect. And for some reason, as I feel our 5th beautiful blessing kick me gently, as she's still forming inside me, I burst into tears. 

She has no idea what this world will try and do to her.

If we have to use a photo correcting app, because we're embarrassed that our baby has acne, this problem is more poisonous than even I realized.

I will take the time to admit that Ellyn had baby acne when she was first born. Bad baby acne. The kind that spread all across her face, and had puss coming out of it. Bless her heart, her brand new baby skin couldn't handle all the kisses from everyone who wore make up, had a greasy face, or wore perfume! It broke my heart. Any picture I posted of her I posted in Black and White, just so that I wasn't drawing attention to her sweet, raw cheeks. I cried out to God. I begged for help. My husband finally said "Let's put some dirt on her face." I was crying, and looked at him like he was an alien.

Uhh. Excuse?

"I'm serious, babe. When I was a little kid, and I'd get poison ivy really bad, I put mud on it, and let the mud become hard, then rinse it off. It dried up the poison ivy!"


2 minutes later, he was in our bedroom, stirring up dirt from our backyard mixed with a little water. He kissed Elly's forehead, and said "This is your very first facial, sweetheart. It's an honor for Daddy to treat you to a spa day!"

I started laughing, and wiped away my tears. I held her tiny little fingers, watched as she cooed up at her Daddy, as he gently rubbed mud on her tiny cheeks. A friend had also recommended using Aveeno Baby Wash, because it was a more gentle formula than the regular Johnson's Baby Wash. So for the next 3 days, she got an Aveeno Bath, and a mud mask at the Chateau De Daddy. And you know what?

The baby acne went away.

Guess what wouldn't have helped my baby at all?


Oh sure, the people that would see my baby's porcelain skin, would think "My, what a perfect baby." But then in person? I'd probably feel shame.

About my baby.

I haven't ever downloaded FaceTune or any other photo correcting app. I use filters, because I love that if I don't have good lighting in a picture, it'll brighten it up a bit to show what's happening. 

But I can scroll through my Instagram, and tell you exactly which photo a user has used FaceTune, or some other app, what they did to edit themselves, and the people in the picture, and why it's not real. 

Let me say that again.

It's not real.

The saddest part about having the "perfect" Instagram picture is that when you look in the mirror, he starts screaming at you:


You look like a monster.

Your face is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

She has flawless skin, look at all those bumps on you.

Your zits are revolting.

Your fat face takes you down to a 2.

Your freckles are disgusting.

Your bird nose is gross.

No guy will want you. 

You might as well wear a bag over your head.

Your teeth are a mess.

Your hair is nasty.

Your body is fat.

Your skin is pasty. 

You. Are. Ugly.

The "he" I'm referring to is obviously, the devil. The enemy. The one who wants you as far away from God, as humanly possible. How does he do it?

By lying to you.

By killing you. And making you desire to kill yourself.

By stealing any amount of beauty, by letting your mind wander and compare yourself to that person.

Even the world (Teen Vogue) has taken notice to the scary trends we have literally become obsessed with. Check that out here. (Side note: All I typed in the Google search bar was "Damage on using photo correction apps", and this article popped up.)

If the world can see it, why can't we?

I think that most people don't think it's that big of a deal. 

"What's the big deal? I don't like _____ about myself. So what if I just touch it up a little?"

"I just want to look good so that guys will notice me."

"Everybody does it. You literally don't know what pictures are real anymore. I don't want to be the only one posting real pictures."

Those are all lies.

The big deal is just because you don't like something about yourself, doesn't mean you get to just erase it. 

Just because you think every person is doing it to get attention, is that the kind of attention you want? "On the internet, I'm perfect, in real life, I'm a mess."

Is that really what you want? Perfection on the internet?

What about when you go to school the next day, and you have a zit that popped up overnight, because you've been so subconsciously stressed about what your face looks like? So the concealer, powder, and bronzer do their best to cover up the bulge on your cheek, but you can still see and feel it. 

Do you walk around with your head down?

Do you put your hand over your face the whole day?

Do you put a bag over your head?


You don't. Mainly because you know you'd draw more attention to the zit if you did that, than if you just were normal.

Same goes for your body.

You go to your closet, get the size of jeans that fit you, put on the size of clothes that are actually your size, and you go to school.

Because no matter how much adding or subtracting you did on the app, that's the body you have. A normal one. 

The new normal is scary. People joke about not being able to trust whose pictures are real or not, and you know what's sad? 

It's true. 

Most older people wouldn't know that you use FaceTune. Except that for some reason, anytime you don't have makeup on, you treat yourself and those around you, like you look like a monster. 

Guess what?

You are not a monster.

You are beautiful.

"You don't understand, Sierra. I'm disgusting without makeup."

I do understand. I'm a girl. I struggle everyday when I look in the mirror in the morning. 

"I wish I could fix that snaggle tooth."

"I wish I could straighten my crooked teeth."

"I wish I didn't look so fat when I'm pregnant."

"I wish my hair wasn't grown out and scraggly looking."

"I wish _____."

"I wish _____."

"I wish _____."

I do it, too. 

I look in a department store window, and think "Suck it in, sister!"

I people watch, and think "Man, if I just had her lips, BAM!"

I do it, too.

But guess what I've learned? There is no Fairy Godmother. So as much as "I wish", it's not going to come true. 

Praise God.

I'm so glad that I'm different. I'm so glad that my size is what's normal for me. I'm so glad that the first thing I hear from my husband when I wake up is "You are beautiful."

All of those lies that I hear myself say, when I look at my reflection, disappear. 

Because that's what they are: lies.

FaceTune is a lie.

Satan is a lie.

You are lying to yourself when you look in a mirror with no makeup, and think "Gross."

You know what I do, when my mind starts to run wild with the "I wishes"? 

I pray.

God, please forgive me. You created me, and I'm just telling You I hate Your creation when "I wish.". Please reveal to me who You want me to be. Please show me, Lord, the beauty You see, when You look at me with no makeup on. Please let me be a light to a girl or woman struggling with thinking she's ugly. Let me not speak to her like the world does. Let me speak life. Let me show her how beautiful her personality is. Let me encourage her to be bold, let me teach her that she is a treasure. A gift. A blessing. To herself, to me, and to those around her. Let that be good enough. In her life, and in mine. Let Your love be good enough. Silence the enemy, and all of his lies, God. Let me hear Your voice. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

That's real.

I'll not sit on a pedestal and tell you to not wear makeup. I wear makeup. I use Bare Minerals, and I really like it, because it's light, and doesn't make my face feel "heavy". I had a girl ask me to do a makeup tutorial with her, because she couldn't figure out how to just use what God had given her, but not look plastic. I showed her easy, quick things I do. I spend 10 minutes MAX on my makeup. I have children, I am busy, and mainly, I've figured out what works. I don't have time to sit in front of my computer for 30 minutes watching a tutorial about contouring, to then sit at my mirror for another hour, to try and execute the "perfect" image. That perfection takes layers and layers and layers of gunk. I don't desire to have a face painted on, or have the time to paint myself. 

I pray that if this hit your heart, like it did mine, that you'd pray that same prayer. 

God, forgive us. Let us be real before You, so that we can be real before the world. Let us not join the masses, in thinking that the perfect image is what You desire. You want our heart, and all of it. 

Whether you're a teen, a college kid, an adult, a mom, single, or whatever, if you struggle with this, listen to His whispers when He says, 

I love you.

You are beautiful. I know, because I made you.


The Author and Creator of Life.

This image brought to you with no filter, no FaceTune, and no fake. Just one I found on my Camera Roll that I snapped really quick, and sent to my husband and a friend, in a text message.


  1. You're amazing and never cease to amaze me with your ability to put things into perspective. Love and kisses to you little girl.

  2. As I sat on my couch with my two littles, waiting for my hubby to come home (eating cold pizza and watching lilo and stitch) I just read 10 of your blog posts. Thank you so much for being a light of encouragement. Being a mom isn't easy, but it's magical.

    1. The toughest, most exhausting, hardest job I've ever loved: Being a mom. Hang in there, Mama! We're all in this together.

  3. I'm so glad you've come back to blogging. Thank you for sharing your heart honestly... and for speaking boldly. Tonight I really needed this. Not that I've taken to editing my photos, but entertaining the lies that "I'll never be enough, I'll never measure up, I should be so embarrassed, I am unacceptable".
    Thank you for using your voice to call out a lie and declare a truth.

    1. Lies can only take root in darkness. As soon as the light switch is flipped on, people see it for what it is: a lie. I struggle with similar lies, and have to constantly do spiritual battle in my head and heart, so that I can hear Him whisper truths to me. It's a challenge, and praise God for it. It causes us to NEED the Savior that WANTS us.

  4. What an eye opener! I have never used these apps but I have seen my 15 yr old daughter want to download them on my phone to "perfect" pictures of herself. I never liked them but couldn't put my finger on the exact reason in order to relay to her my feelings on them. This is it! It is a gateway for the devil to step in and lie to us and our daughters in order to take their minds off the eternal things and into worldly ones, which the devil uses against us each day! Thanks Sierra for taking the time to share

    1. Praying for you, as you mother a teen. It's not easy, I was not an easy teen. But I'm GRATEFUL that my Mom stood on her convictions, and went with her gut, if she had a caution. I hated it then, but am incredibly grateful now!

  5. I had my mother tell me I was hideous without makeup when I was a young teenager. Granted she is a bitter woman that I pray very hard for daily. It hurt! It stuck and has never left the back of my mind. Now with a daughter of my own I tell her daily that she is beautiful and that God made her perfect. Because he did! This post is a reflection of how the struggle in an airbrush world has taken away from the reality that we are beautiful because God made us!

    1. Amber,

      I'm so sorry you had that lie spoken over you. The truth is you are beauty, and grace, and mercy, and love, because He is, and because He made you. I pray boldness over you, as you continue to speak truths into your daughter's heart. You have no idea what kind of an amazing impact you're making on her! Keep marching towards Godly Mommyhood!

  6. A wonderfully written blog. I belive you have hit the nail on the head because sooooo many of us believe the lie that we're not good enough, not just in looks but in every possible way. I appreciate your candid approach. I am 45 years old and have NEVER worn or used make up. I have recently discovered lip gloss with colour and that's the only makeupish thing I use. We should thank God that we're healthy as not too many people can say that. God Bless you for bringing us an opportunity to appreciate ourselves and tell God, "You did excellent " in creating me.

  7. My biggest problem is the tired mom face. I can look at pictures from even 2 years ago and look so much more rested than I do now. Oh well, new season of life. I wouldn't trade my lack of sleep got anything though.

    1. I can attest that the tired Mom face is in several of my pictures, as well! But I'm tired because I was nursing my daughter at 2:00 a.m. I'm tired because I raced my son through Walmart. I'm tired because every day, I put my battle clothes on every day, as a Mom. It's a tired that I'll look back on, 20 years from now, and wonder how I did it all! His grace is so so so sufficient.

  8. Thanks so much for the words of wisdom!

    1. :) They're His words. I'm so glad you were blessed.

  9. Wow this is Beautiful and So Powerful! This needs to be blasted across our world to every teen and these children growing up in this generation! This is exactly where the devil goes after woman is their image. He has destroyed so many in hollywood because he hates beauty because he can't have it! As a new mom i'm always praying over my daughter to grow up confident in her natural beauty whatever she grows up looking like. I LOVE THIS THO because I can 100% relate! Right before I got pregnant last summer, I was going through a time where I couldn't stand spending an hour in the mirror getting ready anymore, just to hate the way my looks turned out. So I was on a mission to gradually walk away from wearing makeup completely. Today, a little over a year later, I can say I can comfortably walk in a store with no makeup and sweatpants and think i'm beautiful. Most would think or say i'm arrogant, but thats true Confidence in who God made me! Its So possible! I still as well have days where I "don't like the way I look" or look in the mirror and want to look different or see a girl i wanna look like. But At the end of the day i'm so happy in who i am in Christ not what the world labels me. It's an incredible feeling to not feel like I Have to wear makeup in order to leave the house! I pray every woman would be able to attain this! In this spiritual life, we must go through praying and believing the Lords promises and casting down the devils lies! Sorry I wrote so much, i'm a writer as well, it's hard to stop sometimes! Thanks again for posting!!

    1. Thank you for sharing your heart. I've found that if I'll just "give up" He'll swoop in, and clean out more stuff in my heart (that shouldn't be there), than I even knew was in there! Good for you for listening to Him! Praying for you, as you march through Mommyhood! The toughest job you'll ever love!

  10. I just scrolled through as much of your Instagram as I could, and read each blog post here. You have a gift of sharing Life through your actions and words and I just want to thank you for being courageous to put the vulnerable side of life up on the internet so that you can bless and encourage many others like myself. I am inspired by your walk! Thank you.

    1. My walk has come with many stumbles. Lots of falling. But always, always getting back up, and marching on. He has searched my heart, found it unworthy, and still called me His! For that, I'm eternally grateful. Keep marching, you never know who's following your path!

  11. I know this is random, but where do you buy all your adorable skirts and dresses? Thrift shops never seem to have anything cute and "modest clothing stores" never seem to have anything affordable! I would love to hear where you shop. :)

    I would also love to hear your testimony and your love story!

    You are an amazing role model. Thank you! :)

    1. I usually get most at 1/2 of 1/2 or Old Navy! :) I'm so glad you've enjoyed the posts!

  12. I love this! There are like five pictures of me with my firstborn as a baby because I didn't have makeup on. Now, I have realized my husband loves me the way God made me and that is all that matters. Now almost all my pictures are all natural. Love that I have pictues with my five kiddos now, smooching and cuddling and THERE!

  13. Oh, Sierra! How I adore your blog and absolutely beautiful writing style. I'm not sure how I first came upon it, but I did am am so thankful. I love reading it, and keeping up with your beautiful family.

    I admire you so much, and absolutely *long* to have what appears to be such a happy, fulfilled life like you do. You and I have very different lifestyles, but similar hobbies and outlooks. I live a very... I can never find any normalcy, peace, or stability. I really related to your post about meeting your husband at the video store, and feeling lost and unsure about your life and purpose at that time. Feeling empty. That's how I'm feeling, and have for quite some time.

    I have an AMAZING husband. He is so talented, and SO good to me. He's a professional musician. A rock and roller who is the singer in a well known band. He's often at tour and that leaves me at home caring for our child. I get so overwhelmed, and look at you with five beautiful children and can't tell you how much I admire you for all you do and the massive amount of love you and your husband give to them.

    Reading about your relationship with God is so beautiful. Here's where our lives are very different, and I hope you do not take offense to this. I don't mean this negatively AT ALL. I know many religious individuals take major offense and look down at people like me...but I don't believe in God. Oh, how I wish I did! I went to Christian school my entire life. Spent years in religious education and at church. But I also grew up (and still live in) a very educated part of the East Coast...where most people are science-based "rationals" as it's often referred to, and have a million reasons to explain why God isn't real. This has really rubbed off on me. I've done so much research and praying. And something in the back of my mind always tells me "This is impossible...". I just WISH I had a different mindset. I wish I wasn't so science minded. Because what you write is so touching and beautiful.

    I just want to wish you the best, and again tell you how much I appreciate your blog. A million congrats on your beautiful, precious baby girl. I am over the moon for you guys!

    xoxo Elle

    1. I also recommend you watch the video of Ben Carson speaking at Liberty University! Somewhere between the 10 and 20 minute marks he makes a very scientific argument for the existence of God.

    2. Elle,

      THANK YOU for sharing your heart! How very real, open, and honest you were! Thank you so much for that! If you'd like, feel free to email me at I'd love to chat about Mom-stuff, and encourage one another.

      The secret to a relationship with God, is silencing the world around you. Listen for the whisper. What you probably already know, is that He longs for you. He wants a relationship with you, not just some factual, scientific rationale of how life works. He just wants you. You, in your beautiful moments, and your not so beautiful moments. But all of you. :) Praying for you, sweet friend!

      My grandma always signed my birthday cards xoxo, and she passed away last week. It brought a smile to my face, that that's how you signed your name!

      xoxo ~Sierra

  14. I know I'm not Sierra, but I want you to know that I will be praying for you. A desire to know God pleases Him. He will make Himself known to you in His timing.

    A scientific mindset does not mean one cannot believe in God! In fact, it makes believing in a Higher Being all the more necessary! Have you ever watched the movie "God's Not Dead?" If not, I would highly recommend it. In the movie, there are scientific arguments that prove the existence of God.

    Just look around you. Does it really make more sense to believe everything came from nothing than to believe that some Higher Power had a role in it? It takes more faith to believe there is no God than to believe there is one.

    I know God brought you to Sierra's blog for a reason. The joy and peace she has is available to you, too. I know you will understand this once you understand God's love for you.

    Keep searching. I am praying for you. <3

  15. Sierra,

    This post spoke life into my heart! Thank you for sharing! I am guilty of letting negative thoughts about myself steal my joy and that's just what satan wants. I'm patiently learning not to entertain these lies. Your post really resonated with me. Thank you for your candor. I pray that you continue to blog because I know that you are speaking life into other women and by doing so, serving our Lord.

    1. Taylor, you're such a blessing!!! I'm praying for you!
